A grand-aunty, must have been an original character in a very bourgeoise family. Artistic temper, liked playing theater. Unfortunately died circa 1900, aged about 15, for reasons which have always been kept hushed in the family, secret de famille.
aligot ripounsous
JoinedPosts by aligot ripounsous
Tell me about your avatar(not the Gravatars)
by asilentone inmy avatar is a pic of a cool car, obviously.
Mill Hill Disfellowshippings
by BorgHater ina few months ago there was a thread about a couple of elders at the mill hill bethel being disfellowshipped because they disagreed with some wt doctrine (i can't recall exactly what it was) and that several other betheliteswere under 'investigation'.
i haven't heard anything since, does anyone know anything more about this?.
borghater xx.
aligot ripounsous
Podobear, it did certainly not slip from your attention that I was joking.
Cry of the Heart
by compound complex inwith envy i gaze through rheumy eyes upon the young father whose children clasp daddy's legs and beg him play.
i am planted all day long upon my park bench, sinewy roots sinking deep down, in and around the splintery slats.
smiling and eager to please, daddy does their silly bidding.
aligot ripounsous
CoCo, I do hope your relationship with your child(ren) is not so sad as the one you put in writing. I do cherish all the things I shared, and still share, with my 2 teen children. When they were younger I've been their first teacher in skying, tennis, ice skating, table tennis, cycling, and also driving. Even spending an afternoon trying to set up a tent and finding at the end of the day that we have enough parts left to set up a second one is such an enriching experience for dad and kids. My son definitely realised in such circumstances that dad was not all powerful, and still sought my help to do his homework - mind, he did cry many times. Daughter learnt a lot from Mum and she also likes to let dad read her literature essays so as to get his opinion. We parents must admit that the feeling of having built up communication during these past years is very gratifying. Pourvu que ça dure (hope it will last).
Mill Hill Disfellowshippings
by BorgHater ina few months ago there was a thread about a couple of elders at the mill hill bethel being disfellowshipped because they disagreed with some wt doctrine (i can't recall exactly what it was) and that several other betheliteswere under 'investigation'.
i haven't heard anything since, does anyone know anything more about this?.
borghater xx.
aligot ripounsous
Anyway getting back to the subject how are the Mill Hill people doing?,
says he after having done his fair share of highjacking
JW's suddenly love me(!) !!!
by highdose inas many of you know, when i left the borg i did the perfect fade by emigrating half way accorss the globe.
i have never given out my new address ( the overseass postal service... totaly crap, what can you do huh;) i have also changed my email account too and my phone number.
therefore i have effectively disapeared!
aligot ripounsous
how could I reproach them for this small imperfection, I mysellf have done that, including over the pond. Mind, both giving and receiving. Being a JW has to have its perks, to make up for the many miseries it carries.
would you date this guy???
by highdose inabout 2 weeks ago i met a guy online, we chatted on the phone one evening and had a good conversation and aranged to go on a date this friday coming.. since then i have heard almost nothing at all from him!
i think about 2 texts and thats it!
in one of the texts he hints that he would like to see a picture of me "wearing alot less".
aligot ripounsous
if you're looking for a relationship, I wouldn't say "be careful", just Drop it, it is all too obvious that this chap is not seeking the same thing as you. An honest guy would never ever send that text to a woman he has not met yet and whose sensitivity he ignores so shamelessly.
Mill Hill Disfellowshippings
by BorgHater ina few months ago there was a thread about a couple of elders at the mill hill bethel being disfellowshipped because they disagreed with some wt doctrine (i can't recall exactly what it was) and that several other betheliteswere under 'investigation'.
i haven't heard anything since, does anyone know anything more about this?.
borghater xx.
aligot ripounsous
Welcome, Podobear, are you a sort of pshychiatrist ? if so, you must have a tremendous lot to say about the mental condition of your JW patients. I look forward to reading your experiences. It is unlikely that I ever told you anything at your door because at that time I was learning the job with Brian and we would talk together more in between doors than at doors. He was doing, in his quite genuine manner, all the sermon anyway.
You are mentioning a few characters from Streatham cong. I remember Bro. Rastall, he wasn't exactly a youth but, or because of it, he reminded the brothers, from the platform, how happy they were, as spring was coming, to see the young sisters in light dresses again... remember also Bro. Mac Callum, and his so much younger wife.
Still Wondering, I read the post you wrote 6 months back about Brian LOCKING, about his having been removed several times from eldership on account of his musical carreer and hardly attending anymore. It's really heart wrenching because I can imagine Brian's distress right now. I could see when I knew him that he was taking his religion really seriously, gave 40 plus years of his life to what he earnestly considered as a sacred service, living most economically for the sake of it. Fortunately he was surrounded, when in Streatham, by supportive friends. I remember an elderly dignified so-English sister who seemed to look after this confirmed bachelor as if he were her son. And also this couple, Denis the drummer in his JW pub band and his wife (Patricia ?) who both seemed to be very close to him. Dear Brian, so honest.
Mill Hill Disfellowshippings
by BorgHater ina few months ago there was a thread about a couple of elders at the mill hill bethel being disfellowshipped because they disagreed with some wt doctrine (i can't recall exactly what it was) and that several other betheliteswere under 'investigation'.
i haven't heard anything since, does anyone know anything more about this?.
borghater xx.
aligot ripounsous
We were very good friends together when we both attended Streatham Hill congregation, in the late seventies, he used to play with a JW band at The Green Man pub somewhere in South London
Mill Hill Disfellowshippings
by BorgHater ina few months ago there was a thread about a couple of elders at the mill hill bethel being disfellowshipped because they disagreed with some wt doctrine (i can't recall exactly what it was) and that several other betheliteswere under 'investigation'.
i haven't heard anything since, does anyone know anything more about this?.
borghater xx.
aligot ripounsous
Welcome Dave,
since you are from Wales, is Brian (Liquorice) LOCKING, one time (62-63) The Shadows' bassist, still pioneering there ? I was told so about 2 years ago
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 01-24-10 WT Study (BROTHERLY LOVE)
by blondie inreview comments will be in red or headed by comments.
"--john 13:34,35.. comments.
fellow believers.. comments.
aligot ripounsous
Thanks Blondie,
The writers of such worn out articles can just as well pick up and paste together bits of previous similar articles and change a little the arrangement of paragraphs. There is strictly nothing new in those "study"articles, which betrays a cruel shortage of imagination, initiative and scholarship in the current writing dpt and reveals the definitive downhilll trend of the WTS.